
  • You may leave the SecondSkin on for up to approximately 12-24 hours.

    You may shower with it on. After removing Saniderm, follow normal aftercare procedures (above).

    Remember that tattoos take approximately 3-4weeks to heal completely. Ensure that the brands of cleanser, ointment, and lotion that you use during that time do not cause rash or other allergic reaction. After the tattoo has healed, get in the habit of using sunblock. Sun exposure will fade your tattoo over time.

    Make sure to follow these other general instructions below. Habits that compromise your immune system can lead to unsatisfactory results.

    We do not take responsibility for your aftercare.

  • Days 1-2:

    Keep the bandage on for 3-5 hours, or overnight if your appointment ended later in the day. Wash the tattoo first thing in the morning. You should use Cetaphil cleanser or any unscented cleanser or soap. Continue to wash your tattoo 2-3 more times per day for the first two days.Everytime you wash your tattoo, let it air dry afterwards. Then apply a light coat of ointment: Bacitracin, Aquaphor, A&D Ointment or Herbal Savvy.

    Days 3-4:

    Discontinue washing your tattoo with soap and applying ointment. Apply a thin layer of unscented lotion 2 times a day.

    Days 5-15:

    Apply unscented lotion as needed (2-3 times a day). Expect a scab to form as the top layer of skin peels. An itchy sensation is normal, but do not peel, scratch, or rub the scabs. You may slap your tattoo, to help ease any itching.

  • During the healing process:

    NO oily or antibacterial products such as Vaseline or Neosporin.

    NO aloe vera.

    NO scented lotions.

    NO swimming, saunas, or soaking (long showers = soaking).

    NO exercising for a couple of days, then do light workouts to limit sweating.

    NO exposure to direct sunlight.

    NO tight-fitting clothes or other items of clothing that can rub against or irritate your tattoo.

    NO scratching or picking; let the tattoo scabs fall off naturally.